More Bird Resources
Birds in Focus - Birds in focus is a rotating feature about birds and bird life. Topics vary and include basic biology, field ID tips, interesting behaviors and much more. The goal is to highlight the amazing diversity of birds, while introducing various science topics using birds as the example.
Bird Song Mnemonics - Learning to identify birds by their songs and call notes is perhaps one of the most important aspects of birding. After all, ninety percent of birding is what you hear. Learning birds’ voices can extend your awareness and knowledge of the bird life in your world.
Building Nest Boxes - Building songbird boxes is a simple, inexpensive way to attract songbirds to your property. This fact sheet discusses how to build, install, and maintain nest boxes successfully.
Develop an Outdoor Classroom - An outdoor classroom is a space set aside in the outdoors in which students and community members can learn about science through a hands on experience. Most of what is done in an outdoor classroom relates to environmental science, but it is also an interactive opportunity for students and adults to learn how math, literature, history, art, and music are influenced by nature and our natural resources. Please exlpore the resources below for ideas and inspiration for developing an outdoor classroom.
Arrival and Departure Dates - The dates shown are the earliest arrivals and latest departures for summer and winter residents along with transient migrants. Permanent residents are listed, but without appropriate dates.
How to ID Birds - The ability to effectively ID birds takes many years of practice. However, there are several strategies you can use that will help you identify almost any bird.
Bird Vocabulary - Want to be an Ornithologist? Then you must know the lingo!
Landscaping for Birds - As people learn to enjoy the beauty of bird life around their homes, they may wish to improve their yards so that more birds will visit the property. Birds are attracted to feeders, nest boxes, and birdbaths, and adding these handcrafted objects will certainly increase the number of birds visiting the property.
More links to resources
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
National Audubon Society
Bird Friendly Gardens