Photos by Peter LaTourrette. North
American Birds Photo Gallery
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(counter-singing by two owls)
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mp3 player you can download one. Click on the picture below.
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Field Marks
- Very large owl with prominent tufts
- Yellow eyes and dark bill
- Upper parts mottled brown, gray, and black
- Pale under parts with fine brown bars
- Reddish-brown facial disks bordered by black with a lower border
of white
- White throat patch
Within its range the great horned owl can be found in dense woodlands
of hardwoods and conifers, along cliffs and rocky canyons, and in forest
openings. In general, the great horned owl is solitary and inhabits
unsettled places.
Great Horned Owls are not all that common in the Atlanta area, but
they have been spotted in Fernbank Forest.
